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Pincha Mayurasana Prep | Feathered Peacock Pose Prep

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

Unraveling the Myth of the Pose

In Hindu mythology Krishna is depicted wearing peacock feathers.

In the Bible the birds make an appearance as an offering to King Solomon.

And you’ll never find peacock patterns on stage because of the superstition of the appearance of the “evil eye” in each feather.

The Peacock is fierce and ostentatious and over the years has been associated with nobility.  

They have the ability to stick out in a crowd, being the most recognizable bird around.

And (fun fact) they are also the national bird of India!  

Compared to the King and Queen of inversions (Headstand and Shoulderstand respectively), Pincha Mayurasana and Pincha Mayurasana Prep can be harder for some to approach since it is reliant upon strength and flexibility in a different way.

Senior Iyengar teacher, Lisa Walford explains, “In (Handstand), you have a longer fulcrum from the hand to the shoulder, so you can depend on momentum to kick up. In (Headstand) you have a broader base with the forearms and the crown of the head on the floor, so the shoulder muscles get additional support from the upper back muscles, which makes it easier to get up.”

This month we are focusing on the preparation posture that comes before full Pincha Mayurasana.  In my experience, this is where the cultivated focus, which is necessary for the full arm balance, begins.  This posture requires a lot of consistency.

The asanas I’ve included in this month’s sequence will help to engage shoulders, core and legs,

in an attempt to achieve greater flexion in the shoulders and neutral extension in the legs.

Mucho Namaste—Sarah

Still have more work to do? Want to deepen your practice?

Take your poses to the next level, Click below and register for Practice at Home with Sarah.

She has developed three different classes.

1. Centering where she focuses on getting into your center and creating space 

2. Mobility where Sarah will guide you to increase flexibility which expand your range in the poses.

3. Strength In order for change to occur we must strengthen.


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