Suggested Donation is $5 for the meditations and $10 for the Hatha practice.
These videos are an offering. If financially contributing is difficult at this time, please consider supporting in other ways by sharing Sarah's classes with a friend and connecting on social media.
Each class is inspired by our monthly theme, carefully curated using precise alignment,
functional and creative exercises and building into classical yoga postures.
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Hatha Flow
Hatha Flow

30min Hatha for Menstruation

How to Make a Loop in a Yoga Belt

Breathing Mechanics & Side Body Flow
By taking these classes you agree that you have been cleared by your medical professional for movement and exercise.

Shamata Meditation

Just Passing Weather

Guided Chakra Visualization
By taking these classes you agree that you have been cleared by your medical professional for movement and exercise.
Therapeutics Videos
Therapeutics Videos

Therapeutic Trailer



I don’t know what else to say about Sarah but that she is a wonderful, light of a person. A constant source of inspiration. Beautiful and inspiring inside and out!
I am so lucky to have her as a
mentor and friend!
Sarah’s practice helps you understand that everything we do now will have a direct result in the future. Mind blowing, right!? Sarah’s consistency and commitment to her student’s practices makes each moment in class worth the time a student chooses to take for themselves. Sarah’s trust within herself allowed me to find the trust within me, and this has allowed me to flourish personally, emotionally and professionally. Through yoga the pain I had previously created for myself subsided by finding healthier response to my habits. Sarah provides you with everything your body needs to take the right step into your future!
- Heather
I met Sarah over a year ago. I was suffering from constant neck pain . My pain management doctor suggested yoga after months of physical therapy and injections. I was very skeptical but decided to try. Sarah calmly and joyfully entered my life and slowly but surely taught me healing yoga and
gave me the tools to help myself.
I am so grateful to her!
- Elizabeth
This 10min Guided Meditation will help you get out of your head and into your body! Sarah will encourage you to “practice presence” by locating the different areas of your body with loving kindness. Listen along to the extended soundscape provided by Daniel Owens.