Choose the practice that best fits your mood!

About the Base
Sometimes we all need a little extra help and this week we're staying grounded by using a chair!
Build strength and awareness along the back of your body as we use the peak pose, Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold).
Hatha Flow

Open Twists & Turns | $15
Oh the places our mind can ramble through! We'll play with these twists and turns throughout a whole practice.
Using a stretchy band and soft ball, we train strength in our internal rotators and back muscles.

Standing Tree | $15
Filmed in the height of summer, this class focuses on playfully building balance and strength and support of the side body.
Featured poses: Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Side Plank (Vasistasana)

Mantra for Gratitude | $10
This is a powerful practice for shifting perspective and humbling our hearts. It's also a great compliment to writing a stream of consciousness list of all that which you are thankful.

Insight Meditation | $10
The most difficult step of any journey is the first.
How do we start meditating?
This practice, based on the Vipassana (Insight) lineage includes simple instruction and a breath based body scan.

Slide Away| $15
One of my favorite ways to practice!
Find a blanket or towel and stay close to the floor, building strength with body weight mechanics.

Advanced Forward Folding | $15
Let's strengthen our legs to a new level!
This class includes engagement and mobility exercises for our hamstrings and glutes. We then take all this momentum with us upside down to Full Arm Balance, because the legs are important in inversions too.

Metta Meditation | $10
What transforms suffering into our great gift?
Love. Kindness. Metta.
Join in on this meditation which helps us look beneath our guarded exteriors to tap into the deep healing we all have and share.

Breath for Sleep | $10
This is perfect for those restless nights when sleep feels impossible.
I know these nights well and am sharing two of my Yogic Breath Practices for relaxation and rest. Sweet Dreams!

Jump Back to Chaturanga | $15
Jumping back to Chaturanga is one of the most commonly used transitions in Modern Vinyasa and Power Yoga and it is one of the main causes of repetitive strain injuries for the shoulder.
Learn how to practice this transition with grace and skill.

Breath Based Gratitude | $10
The Irish poet, John O'Donahue says, "Take time to see the quiet miracles that seek no attention."
In this practice we give space and recognition to the small (and big) things that impact our lives positively.